"In front of the mirror", drypoint, 9 x 24,5 cm

"Erotica", drypoint, 20 x 26,5 cm

"Prometheus", drypoint, 20 x 28 cm

"Ulysses leaving Troy", drypoint, 21,5 x 17 cm

"Matryoshka doll", drypoint, 24 x 16 cm

"Kafka", drypoint, 21 x 15 cm

"Hermes, the god of profit", drypoint, 15 x 10 cm

"Wrestling", drypoint, 20 x 17 cm

&"Identity of opposites", drypoint, 20 x 20 cm

"At the seaside", drypoint, 20 x 20 cm

"On horseback", drypoint, 15 x 18 cm

"Chess", drypoint, 12 x 16 cm

"On the road", drypoint, 15 x 20 cm

"Ship", drypoint, 18,5 x 9 cm

"In front of the mirror 2a", drypoint, 25,5 x 20 cm

"Mirrors", drypoint, 20 x 15 cm

"The black ship", drypoint, 24,5 x 20 cm

"Migration politics", drypoint, 25,5 x 20 cm

"In front of the mirror 2", drypoint, 25,5 x 20 cm

"The Symplegades", drypoint, 20 x 20 cm
Designed by Design-It